
Mate’s adventure begins in Collecchio, a small town in the province of Parma, in the summer of 1999, thanks to the synergistic union of different but complementary skills: the idea is to provide outsourced electronic design services – and assistance – to companies in the area.

In just a few years, the direct comparison with multiple sectors allows us to increase our level of expertise and specialisation: as consultancy takes on an increasingly decisive role, the desire to provide electronic solutions taken care of personally from design to testing also grows.

Therefore, we strongly believe in the precious contribution made by each new resource: to apply, please fill out the form and attach your Curriculum Vitae in PDF format.

    We inform you that the data you have entered will be used for the sole purpose of providing you the requested information. Your data will be processed by electronic means in compliance with the principles established by the Italian Privacy Code (Lgs. D. 196/2003 and GDPR 679/2016).

    I have read the privacy statement and authorize, pursuant to Lgs. D. 196/2003 and GDPR 679/2016, Mate srl to the processing of my personal data. Download Mate Privacy Management

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